As you can imagine working with THE Mickey Grosman leads to quite an exciting work day. There is rigorous survival training on lunch breaks
(I learned how to make fire from bamboo last week), commands in broken English and a military style rule in the office, but I must say, yesterday took the cake for interesting experiences here.
As me and my co-worker Jessica walked into the office yesterday morning, Mickey asked us if we wanted to learn a memory technique. Knowing Mickey, we assumed it would be eccentric. He then placed two stools down and one by one, stood me and Jessica on top of them. He proceeded to list things for our weekly task list and then stated "I guarantee you won't forget anything I told you while standing on a stool". As we stepped off our memory stools he so slyly added "If you don't remember, we got it on camera" and pointed to the freshly placed (and until that moment, unnoticed) nanny cam in the corner of the room.
In horror we raced around the table to see if his tale was true. There we were, in all our glory, on the Amazon 5000 U-Stream live video cam! Mickey simply grinned and said "Now, you girls are reality TV stars!". It was not quite the valentines day surprise I was expecting, but it is one I will never forget.
Working in the non-profit industry I am used to operating "transparently" but Mickey puts a whole new spin to the word. I am very excited to be working with such a phenomenal organization and now you will be able to watch me and my wonderful co-workers everyday on the Amazon 5000 website.
We are doing great things over here at home base. Together, I know we can move mountains. Tune in and jump in on our round table discussions. We want you to be with us every step of the journey. Through our live broadcasts you will be able to chat with the team and get to know us better, and what a delight it is to get to know Mickey! I assure you, he keeps the day full of fun and surprises.
Needless to say, Jessica and I will now be doing extra primping these weekday mornings. You will also have to forgive us for the occasional moments we look disheveled, it is easy to forget the camera's there when it is so tiny.
All in all my lesson for the day is, Smile. You never know when YOU might be on candid camera!
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