Thursday, March 22, 2012

Florida Hospital for Children - An Hour In Their Shoes

Amazon 5000 had yet another great presentation for the Amazon 5000 Kids Adventure Club last week. Mickey Grosman and team packed up their gear and headed to Florida Hospital for Children located in the heart of Orlando, Florida.

Walking the halls of Florida Hospital Friday afternoon was no doubt the most difficult journey we have had to undertake as an organization so far. Even a 5,000 mile expedition seems minimal compared to the 25 foot stretch of hallway that takes you from the front doors of the pediatric oncology unit to the playroom of Florida Hospital.

Nothing could have prepared us for the emotional journey we were about to undertake. We passed by rooms and rooms of families dealing with devastation and confusion. Sickly children hooked up to IV’s and monitors. Children that should be running and playing outside in the beautiful Florida sun who were stuck here, tied to a bed.

Despite being in a hospital, Florida Hospital for Children does an amazing job to create an environment of fun and play in a normally cold and sterile place. A man with a ukulele plays and sings in the lobby, every room is decorated with a different and kid-friendly theme, from safari adventure, to the world under the sea, all the way to the jungle, there is a room to entice every audience. Every room is filled with interactive activities and loving staff. 

Mickey and Stephanie
When we first arrived in the playroom we met 9 year old Stephanie. She had a beautiful head of little stubs of hair. At first glance she looked like an average kid playing her video game, celebrating her victories and grumbling at her losses.  The big contraption linked to her arm brought truth to the scenario, little Stephanie was not just in the playroom fighting to win her game, she was here in this “play” room fighting for her life.

Through the course of the presentation we got to meet more patients and siblings ranging from teens to small children. As to be expected the children’s energy level was low when we began our presentation but as Mickey went on there was a shift in the room.

The child with the droopy eyes laying on his mother's lap was suddenly at the edge of his seat. Stephanie who was turned to her video game had turned the other way to capture Mickey’s every word. Excitement and wonder filled the air and in these moments we could tell the children were not focused on the ugly world cancer had surrounded them with, they were with Mickey, on an adventure in the heart of the mystical Amazon!

The children stayed behind after the presentation to get Mickey’s signature and take photos with him. Two of the children changed into their new Amazon 5000 shirts immediately and young Stephanie who was first in the room was also last in the room. She did not want to leave the room until Mickey left.

Mickey signs the children's shirts after the presentation.
Reluctantly we packed our gear and left the floor filled with beautiful children like Stephanie, trapped in a horrible world of disease. As we exited the building our attention couldn’t help but be drawn to a gentleman sitting on the bench outside the hospital with an all too familiar slogan on his shirt: The Impossible, Possible!

We immediately approached him to meet a new fan and discovered it was a gentleman from the Ronald McDonald House presentation we had met a few weeks prior. Here he was supporting and advocating for us even after one short visit!

It is experiences like this that drive us fast and steady to continue our mission. Please consider donating today, together we can leave our footprint on the road to cure cancer and make the Impossible, Possible! Visit our page here:

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